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Why take your best friend to just a kennel?
Serving man's best friend and our community in central Virginia for over 38 years

Welcome to Countryside Bed & Biscuit, a family-owned and operated pet boarding facility that has been providing exceptional care to pets since 1985. Our highly trained staff is dedicated to providing conscientious and personalized care to your beloved pets, ensuring their safety and well-being. We are proud to be part of the International Boarding & Pet Services Association (IBPSA), which sets the highest standards for pet care facilities. At Countryside Bed & Biscuit, we are committed to meeting and exceeding those standards to provide the best possible care for your pet. We understand the importance of routines, consistency, and comfort, so we follow your instructions to provide a loving and nurturing environment for your pet. We believe your pet's stay with us should be a pleasurable experience, allowing you to travel worry-free. 


*********   IBPSA:  The International Boarding & Pet Services Association is dedicated to maintaining high standards within the pet boarding sector, ensuring that member facilities provide safe and professional services.


dog posing for picture
German shepherd pup


two guests enjoying their suite.


Daycare guests in a luau party

Daily Business Hours

Monday - Friday
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. 
(All afternoon departures incur a 1/2-day rate)

9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon

Appointment times are between 10:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
All Sunday departures are required to have an advanced appointment. 
We do not accept check-ins on Sundays.
(All Sunday departures incur a full-day rate.)

Please note that any approved drop-offs or pickups outside our regular business hours will incur a minimum service fee of $50.00.

We are not open to the public during major holidays however we remain fully staffed to care for our guests.
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